- Don't rely on someone else. Have the foundation to know what to do and when to modify or customize your Jeep. -

Breakthrough frustration, confusion and not knowing where to start....

Save $$$, time and create the Jeep Build of your Dreams.

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Jeep Build & Customization Bootcamp

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Complete Month Long Program!

Limited Time Offer $97 or 2 Payments of $48.50

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You want to modify & build your Jeep but you don’t understand what it entails?

It can feel overwhelming and you hear so many different opinions and answers.

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You want to build your Jeep RIGHT the first time so you don’t have to rebuild it again.

You want to spend the money ONE time and end up with the perfect build for YOU...not someone else.

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You Have No Mechanical Background

You have no idea on parts, mechanics or how to do the work.

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You want to feel empowered as you learn, not made to feel bad for what you don't know

It's easy to get discouraged by people who make you feel like you are asking "dumb questions". Great news....we believe there are NO dumb questions.

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Imagine what you could experience and the adventures you could take without fear, worry or anxiety.

Knowing you have the knowledge, skills and confidence to chase your dreams.

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in this bootcamp


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How each mechanical part works with others so that you know what changes need to be made at what time or together.

Understand what and why to re-gear your Jeep so that you can make the best decision for you and your Jeep. (Make your own decisions with all the facts!)

The Meaning of Common Terminology so you know exactly what someone is talking about hanging out around the campfire.

Get charts, lists and worksheets to make it easy for you to see the list of changes that are dictated by the tire size platform of a build. (Take the guess work and NO SURPRISES out of your plan)

What are crucial modifications to make and what are additional but not foundational modifications to make so that you put togehter the perfect build for you!

What recommended parts and companies are right for you as we go piece (or part) by piece and step-by-step. Know where to put your money to have a solid build that will last.

The Best Tools to have to work on your Jeep.

Basic Mechanical & Tech so you know what is being done or how to perform basic maintenance on your Jeep. This includes a look specifically at the secondary auxilary battery, changing your oil, doing a differential service, adding a winch and more.



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You don’t want to take the time to learn about how everything works together on your Jeep.

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You feel like other people know better and you would rather they just tell you what to do and not why.

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Money is no object in your build. You enjoy changing things all the time so buying the same parts multiple times is fun.


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You want to understand, even if you won’t ever touch your Jeep, how things work together and function on your Jeep.

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The Jeep Build thing is totally new to you, but you want to put in the time to understand everything about your Jeep.

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You would rather build your Jeep and buy parts one time versus multiple times. Being smart with your money is important.

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Entire Month bootcamp!

  • LIVE Weekly Educational Classes
  • LIVE Weekly Q&A
  • New Video Every Monday
  • Access to the Design Your Jeep Build Program in your own private portal (lifetime) All Replays, Videos and more.
  • Ebooks of Mechanical & Tech breakdowns
  • Checklists, charts and MORE!





Entire Month bootcamp!

  • LIVE Weekly Educational Classes
  • LIVE Weekly Q&A
  • New Video Every Monday
  • Access to the Design Your Jeep Build Program in your own private portal (lifetime) All Replays, Videos and more.
  • Ebooks of Mechanical & Tech breakdowns
  • Checklists, charts and MORE!
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Don’t go the road alone. Have direct help for every question and get a simple explanation that makes it easy to understand the mechanics of your Jeep build.

Get excited to look at modifications and the self sufficiency in knowing you have the information you need to be confident.

Engage in conversations and never sit back or on the sidelines again.

This $97 investment could say you thousands, or tens of thousands in the long run.

See What People are Saying...

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Here's some great news...

Now you can get ALL the easy-to-follow Education, Videos, Checklists, and Information as well as LIVE help every step of the way for the entire month long program!

Designed specifically for the Lady Jeeper. Easy to follow education with videos, checklists, downloads, and breakdowns. Do Not sit back confused any longer. Get out there and enjoy every aspect of your Jeep!

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Jeep Build & Customization Bootcamp

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Broken Into 5 Modules

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What You Get Today When You Enroll...

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Lifetime Access! Design Your Jeep Build Program

Lifetime access to the Design Your Jeep Build Program in your own portal. Plus, lifetime access to the entire Jeep Build & Customization Boot Cap and all replays!

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Design Your Jeep Build E-Book

The complete Design Your Jeep Build Manual as a downloadable Ebook. Follow the system and education through each module inside the 197 page book.

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LIVE Weekly Educational Classes

Every week we jump on LIVE together and dive into the specific Educational class and module for the week. All Classes are available as a reply to watch again anytime. Ask questions, learn live, with breakdowns and easy to understand teaching.

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LIVE Weekly Q&A

At the end of each week, you get a LIVE Q&A directly with your coach. Ask any questions from the weeks module.

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Charts, Worksheets and Module Specific Mini Ebooks